Grants for Improving Accessibility

The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) provides grants to organizations, businesses, community organisations, small municipalities, Indigenous organisations, and territorial governments in order to improve accessibility and/or safety for people with disabilities by supporting the capital costs of renovation, construction and/or retrofit activities and the provision of accessible technologies in workplaces and communities across Canada.

Eligible Grant Recipients

  • not-for-profit organizations, including social enterprises;
  • businesses4(maximum 99 full-time equivalent5 employees);
  • small municipalities (population under 125,000 as per most recent census data (2016));
  • Indigenous organizations (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities); and
  • territorial governments.

*For the purpose of this CFP, the 35% leveraging requirement does not apply to organizations from the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

The Government of Canada has an open Call for Proposals which has 2 funding streams: the Workplace Accessibility Stream and the Community Accessibility Stream.

Deadline for submissions is July 26, 2017.

For more information or to apply visit the EAF webpage:…/fu…/enabling-accessibility-fund.html

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