Teachers’ Toolkit
The Teachers’ Toolkit was developed in 2011 to provide K-12 teachers with a selection of ready-to-use human rights resources for their classrooms. The resources provided are tied to the NWT Social Studies curriculum and organized by grade. NWT teachers can incorporate human rights learning into the existing education curriculum using the resources provided.
Toolkit resources are listed by grade in the sidebar. Click on the grade to see the resources available. Curriculum objectives are included. Click the lesson title to download the materials.
Other Resources
Accessibility in the Classroom
The resources on this website can help you create a more accessible classroom. Learn to make accessible classroom presentations and documents whether power points, PDFs or Word Documents. This site also includes other helpful accessible classroom links
Anti-Racism Resource Kit
The Anti-Racism Resource Kit addresses global issues of terrorism, political unrest and instability. This resource can help individuals deal with and respond to experiences of racism. It can also educate students and school communities about human rights and responsibilities. This information can have an impact on those who are targets of discrimination, and also on those who engage in such practices.
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre
(403) 220-2505
Building Equal and Healthy Relationships
Workshop for Grade 7 & 8 Girls. This workshop is specifically geared towards young adolescent females, and is designed to raise awareness of signs of abuse in relationships, to help participants recognize equal and healthy relationships, and to provide strategies to help achieve these kinds of relationships. Although geared towards a specific gender, promoting safe and healthy relationships is important for all students, and this resource could be used for a full class workshop – the reason it states for being gender-specific is for comfort and privacy.
Roots of Equality, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO)
Bullying Prevention in Sports
This document is geared towards teachers to be able to recognize bullying in sports/activities and to help spread knowledge and information regarding the kinds of bullying that goes on in athletic and team-based activities.
Children and Youth Services, Government of Alberta
(780) 422-8519
Canadian Human Rights Toolkit
The Canadian Teachers’ Federation and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights have worked in partnership to bring together a rich digital selection of human rights education resources for Kindergarten to Grade 12 in English and French. The resources in this toolkit were carefully reviewed by teachers and will link you to a variety of literature, media and lesson plans that can be used in the classroom. Teachers can select resources for their territory, language, grade, and subject area. The website also includes, project initiatives, showcases, and funding opportunities or other supports for school-community social action projects tied to the Imagineaction themes.
Cultural Crossroads Centre for Race and Culture
The Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations (NAARR), has created several short catalogues of resource material, following review standards set by the resource department of the Alberta Ministry of Education. NAARR reviewers searched for books, DVDs, online resources and music that would set the stage for a critical thinking including: citizenship and identity, culture and community, power, authority and decision making, economics and resources,global connections, and the land, places and people.
Download the The Teachers’ Resource and select the grade-specific catalogue most pertinent to your needs: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, or 10-12.
Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations, Department of Culture and Community Spirit
Government of Alberta
(780) 425-4644
CFRA Website
Human Rights Resources for Educators
Human Rights Education as basic reading, writing, and arithmetic. This resource has a thorough introduction to human rights and its’ uses in the classroom. Included in this resource are several activities, including Environment and Human Rights, Poverty and Human Rights, and Discrimination and Human Rights.
Inclusive Design Guide
The Inclusive Design Guide
This guide can be used by anyone. This website provides tools, insights, activities, and practices that can help you improve accessibility in your workplace, group, or organization. Inclusive design considers the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of human difference. Designing inclusively results in better experiences for everyone.
Racism Revealed
This manual has been produced within the context of a project entitled the Ljubljana Poster Festival ’11: The Faces of Racism Revealed. It includes a selection of poster artwork produced on the topic of racism by international professional poster artists and art and design students from Slovenia and European partner countries (Poland, France, and the Netherlands). Each poster is accompanied by a suggestion of how it can be used to discuss one of the many themes related to racism.
The manual has been designed as a resource for teachers or educators interested in using visual images to promote interactive discussion and critical thinking amongst young people about racism and discrimination. The resource can be used within diverse educational settings and is most appropriate for use with young people above the age of twelve.
Safe and Caring Schools for LGBT Youth – A teacher’s guide
This resource is part of a series that focuses on a variety of diversity topics as they affect students. Designed to help teachers obtain basic factual information, care for and keep all students safe and included.
Safe@School/Bien-Étre à L’École
The goal of the Safe@School project is to foster just such innovation and cooperation, highlighting best practices that feature a unique and constructive approach to violence prevention and the creation of safe, strong and free schools and communities. All components of the Safe@School project are also available in French.
Sexual Harassment in School
This guidebook will help you understand what sexual harassment is and what you can do about it. It sets out basic information about sexual harassment and the relevant laws and is intended for students and educators.
This post is also available in: French