The NWT Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of 22 different grounds. One of these is age. The Commission recognizes that age stereotypes can lead to discrimination and has created a document called “Understanding Ageism” to help individuals, business owners, landlords, and service providers better understand how to prevent age-based discrimination.
Older and younger people can be affected by age stereotypes. “Understanding Ageism” can help people recognize age stereotypes and avoid acting in a discriminatory manner. The Commission has made this document available on our website. We also have smaller brochures for older and younger persons available online and from our office. Contact us if you would like some.
Anyone who experiences ageism or age discrimination is encouraged to voice their concerns. The Commission welcomes inquiries from employers, service providers, and landlords; our staff are happy to discuss accommodation processes and to help organizations better understand their obligations under the Act.
Individuals are welcome to contact the Commission with questions about their particular situation. All inquiries are confidential. Our staff will work with individuals who believe they have experienced discrimination.
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